Phrasal Verbs Using 'Out'
In this section you are provided with a list of phrasal verbs with 'out' as their particle, such as turn out, carry out, etc.
Removing or Separating
0%29 words 15 mins→Moving, Leaving, or Escaping
0%17 words 9 mins→Mistreating, Harming, or Dying
0%14 words 8 mins→Expanding, Spreading, or Reducing
0%14 words 8 mins→Confirming, Understanding, or Revealing
0%14 words 8 mins→Stopping or Starting
0%13 words 7 mins→Creating, Producing, or Completing
0%12 words 7 mins→Trying, Succeeding, or Failing
0%11 words 6 mins→Developing, Distinguishing, or Drawing Attention
0%11 words 6 mins→Giving or Providing
0%10 words 6 mins→Causing or Expressing a Feeling
0%12 words 7 mins→Communicating or Discussing
0%12 words 7 mins→Checking, Paying Attention, or Needing
0%10 words 6 mins→Avoiding or Excluding
0%10 words 6 mins→Others
0%27 words 14 mins→