Phrasal Verbs Using 'Down' & 'Away'
Here we have prepared phrasal verbs that contain the particles 'down' or 'away', such as gun down, bog down, get away, take away, etc.
Decreasing, Losing, or Weakening (Down)
0%19 words 10 mins→Causing Damage, Death, or Pressure (Down)
0%15 words 8 mins→Stopping, Suppressing, or Silencing (Down)
0%14 words 8 mins→Changing Position (Down)
0%14 words 8 mins→Recording or Establishing (Down)
0%10 words 6 mins→Consuming, Providing, or Securing (Down)
0%10 words 6 mins→Others (Down)
0%37 words 19 mins→Moving, Leaving, or Escaping (Away)
0%14 words 8 mins→Separating or Removing (Away)
0%11 words 6 mins→Others (Away)
0%31 words 16 mins→