Here you can find a categorized list of all the English idioms related to Interactions in topics like Support, Mistreatment, Enmity, Sympathy and Jokes.
Help & Support
0%19 words 10 mins→Aid & Assistance
0%17 words 9 mins→Praise & Good Treatment
0%9 words 5 mins→Mistreatment & Misconduct
0%17 words 9 mins→Gratitude & Ingratitude
0%7 words 4 mins→Sympathy
0%16 words 9 mins→Enmity
0%12 words 7 mins→Retaliation
0%20 words 11 mins→Taking Advantage
0%9 words 5 mins→Betrayal
0%11 words 6 mins→Abuse & Manipulation
0%18 words 10 mins→Jokes & Pranks
0%7 words 4 mins→Mockery & Ridicule
0%7 words 4 mins→